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First time at the Farmer's Market...

Yesterday was opening day for the Certified Organic Farmer's Market in our County here in Northern California. I was approved for being one of the local artists approved for a vendor spot. It started off as a cloudy and cold morning around 40 degrees. The sun started to peak through about 10am which was warming. The weather here has been weird for sure. I was assured by the Master Gardener's that I was not the only one loosing springtime plants and flowers this year. Glad to know my pale green thumb hasn't gone completely brown.

Here's a look at my table:

I also had a few totes hanging from the two front corners of the pop-up that the market's organizer let me borrow.

If I had waited to have a lot of merchandise to sell I would never have set up. I have done that before too many times. Plus I was in it for the sake of putting myself and my artwork out into the public. If I sold anything, that would be the bonus. And I did sell four painted wine glasses! It paid for the booth space and a couple small purchases from other vendors.
It was a great day full of meeting people and spreading smiles! Time to spend the week making and painting. I am so excited for next weekend!
Happy Mother's Day,



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